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Statins… do you need them.. really need them..??

Have a read here…..  It is an article written in the Telegraph newspaper about a cardiovascular surgeon’s views about statins….and what he says is not great for statins!!

Nicely written  –  it highlights how wrong doctors could have been for years… lead by incorrect and poorly done research….. and possibly the people to gain are the shareholders of the pharmaceutical companies…..  not the patients who have been given the drugs!

Your call – but have a good look at your life and if there is a problem, how can YOU make a difference?… how can you become more empowered about what YOU can do?   Become RESPONSIBLE for YOUR body.  People often take medications without question and sit on the fence and think as they are taking the medication, it absolves them from doing anything themselves.  They think they don’t need to take action… and they should!

It is REALLY hard to change things ….. especially the things that we love like sugar and bread. You would crave them for sure…most of us are addicted to things like sugar and bread.  But would it not be worth it if it meant that you did not have to take drugs for the rest of your life??

Obviously do not come off medication without advice – but start to look at research and start to question… talk to your doctor and see if you can get them onto your side.

It is your body   – and it is YOUR call!!

Blog post by James Dodd