Lauren O’Sullivan


Sports Massage Therapist


Lauren qualified in Sports Massage back in 2018. Since then she has worked within several different clinics and with a range of sportspeople as well as the wider public. This year she has further qualified with the London School of Sports Massage in Level 5 Soft Tissue Therapy and looks forward to using her skills working alongside professional Osteopaths at Back to Back.

Lauren is also a professional dancer and continues to perform in the industry, as a result she has a deep understanding of the body and its movement patterns. Lauren is passionate about improving function and range of motion with her clients, reducing pain and improving efficiency in their sport and life.

I can’t recommend Annie and Lauren enough. I suffered an annular tear of cartilage in my lower back which left me struggling to walk and the team have been amazing with my recovery.
As well as treatment, they provide insightful help and education on what exercises to focus on at home and in-between sessions, and helping to ensure future injuries are kept at bay.
— Doug